Gjeldende algoritme er ikke medisinsk utstyr, og beregningene er kun tilgjengelige for brukere med tillatelse. Tilgang til medisinsk utstyr: INFLUENCE 2.0: Risk of Locoregional recurrence, secondary contralateral tumors and distant metastasis in breast cancer
INFLUENCE 3.0: Risk of Locoregional recurrence, secondary contralateral tumors (NABOR)

INFLUENCE 3.0 is a flexible model to predict time-dependent individual risks of locoregional recurrence at a 5-year scale; it can support clinical decision-making regarding personalized follow-up strategies for curatively treated non-metastatic breast cancer patients.    

Forskende forfattere: Marissa van Maaren, Tom Hueting, Dominique van Uden, Marjan van Hezewijk, Linda de Munck, Anneke Zeillemaker, Marjanka Schmidt, Gabe Sonke, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Sabine Siesling
Versjon: 3.7
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Gjeldende algoritme er ikke medisinsk utstyr, og beregningene er kun tilgjengelige for brukere med tillatelse. Tilgang til medisinsk utstyr: INFLUENCE 2.0: Risk of Locoregional recurrence, secondary contralateral tumors and distant metastasis in breast cancer

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{{ resultSubheader }}
{{ chart.title }}
Resultatintervall {{ additionalResult.min }} til {{ additionalResult.max }}

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The results of the INFLUENCE model are intended to assist in tailoring follow-up care to patient needs.

{{ file.classification }}
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